Monday, October 10, 2022

World War 3 - The Dragon Rises


World War 3: The Dragon Rises

China's leaders watched the riots and looting that tore through America during the summer of 2020 carefully. The events of 1/6/21 confirmed what China's leaders had long suspected: that America is divided. World War 3: The Dragon Rises depicts how a Chinese EMP (electromagnetic pulse) weapon attack upon America would cripple the United States. China's leaders also unleash the world's first super-soldiers upon America in World War 3: The Dragon Rises. With altered DNA, these super-soldiers utilize the chaos that has gripped America after the electricity goes out.

America's political leaders show their true intentions after the EMP attack. With no regard for the American citizens, Washington, DC's elite betray the country. World War 3: The Dragon Rises shows how ordinary Americans and America's leaders would deal with an EMP attack. This exciting and realistic thriller shows how the USA's political and social divisions will lead to its downfall.

Click here to get World War 3 on Audible

Click here to get World War 3 on Kindle 

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